Saturday, August 01, 2009

Deep Thought: Red vs Blue Edition

So, can anybody explain to me why a web series made entirely out of screen captures from a video game has better writing, a more complex and coherent plot, and more engaging characters than like 95% of the movies I've seen in the last five years? I mean, funnier I can understand. The mindless dumbassery that passes for comedy in most movies is almost...but not quite...beneath my contempt. RvB is funnier largely because the writers are two or three times smarter than the numb nuts that emit the Hollywood dreck. It's not like it's Shakespeare, folks--surely movies with multi-milion dollar budgets should be able to rise to the level of five guys and their Xbox... Shouldn't they?

Seriously. Somebody explain this to me.


Blogger Saint Blake the Dark said...

I wonder if the poor quality of many hollywood films comes from so many people being involved in the making of the movie. You have the studio, the director, the writer, the producers, the actors, the cinematographer et cetera and they all have to come together to make a unified work art (or failing that, entertainment), but each one has a different idea in his or her head about how it should turn out. I also think that anytime a project becomes overly concerned with money or its potential to make money, the quality goes downhill. The guys who create Red Versus Blue would still probably make their videos even if they it didn't bring them any money (and I really don't see how they could be making a whole lot of money off the DvD sales since one can simply streamline the videos online for free). This is the difference between a labor of love and ... just labor.

11:15 PM  

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