Thursday, May 14, 2009

Coulter: Liberals ["Liberal Masturbators"] Hate "Sexy Evangelical Christians" Not making this up. She helpfully provides a list, which I reprint without comment: "...Paula Jones, Katherine Harris, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin...Miss California, Carrie Prejean." (It does seem that people are being a little hard on Ms. Prejean, doesn't it? I haven't been following this burning issue, but that's what it seems like from a distance.)


Blogger matthew christman said...

Actually, Ms. Prejean has parlayed her failure to be crowned Miss Universe or whatever into a new career as a traveling martyr for Traditional Marriage. She's traveling the country, recounting the story of her horrible treatment at the hands of teh gays. Every time someone says a bad thing about here, it's money in the bank. As a result, my sympathy is limited. This whole pointless story would have been dead after a day if she hadn't commenced to play up her victimhood immediatley afterward.

4:30 PM  
Anonymous phil said...

Hi Winston,

You need to fix the html tag for the overstrike of "Liberals" in the title. You have: <s>Liberals<s> but you need <s>Liberals </s> to close out the overstrike.

And I concur with Matthew, she's become quite the darling of the RR. Them xtians like the boobies I guess. Even The Donald came to her defense, astutely pointing out that people only care about her opinion because she's hot. blech.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Man, maybe I'd better not give up schoolmarmin' for writing HTML just yet...

But anybody have any idea how that one error strikethrough'ed the whole freakin' blog?

6:31 PM  
Anonymous The Dark Avenger said...

I dunno, but when I ran the HTML through the SeaMonkey browser that I use to visit this site, I replicated your mistake.

Indeed, everything after the first s tag was stricken through. I'm somewhere between code monkey and script kiddy in my adventures in HTML, there are free sites where you can look up stuff and nobody knows if you're using them.

Whatever you use to publish, it might be better if you try something else, or see if you can publish using SeaMonkey.


7:36 PM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

If you want to listen to a Prejean of a traditional religious bent, may I recommend Helen.

1:23 AM  

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