Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Proof That Obama Is a Failure
Pirates Still Exist Edition

AHA! Now, as we know, everything Obama does is, by definition, a failure. The whole pirate thing has been a little weird, though, because, well...success.

But it turns out that Obama left some pirates alive!

So, question: which of these lines will the frothier regions of the right be using tomorrow?

(a) Obama just made it worse
(b) Violence never solves anything
(c) Obama's response wasn't violent enough
(d) The pirates never attacked at all when Dubya was in office
(e) This just shows we need lower taxes
(f) All of the above

I can hardly wait to find out what the winner will be! Personally, I'm kinda wondering whether any of these folks will suddenly get in touch with their inner pacifist and go for (b).


Blogger Joshua said...

I predict that at least one wingnut will pay lip service to (b), then proceed ahead to (c) regardless. I can even sort of picture how it goes.

"The Obamination's response to the pirate crisis recalls the disastrous 1980 hostage rescue attempt under Jimmy Carter, except that Obama got lucky this time. This kind of posturing through violence solves nothing, and when it seems to work, it does so only by chance.

On the other hand, if Barack Hussein hasn't been such a wussy liberal, he would have just had one of our Seawolf submarines torpedo the shit out of that pirate boat. If not nuke the entire coastline of Somalia, just to be safe. We've got to show the pirates whose boss and demonstrate that we don't give a shit who we kill as long as we get them, too."

Schizophrenia is diagnostic for wingnuttery...

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Montag said...

from what i've read, it's (c)

the situation was allowed to drag on for too long, should have been over in hours not days. by the time the shooting started it was down to standard military protocol for hostage situations, not orders from the CIC.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm betting on e. It's always e.

9:46 PM  

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