Saturday, September 13, 2008

Obama Ad Idea Clearinghouse

There are lots of good ideas (and lots more bad ones) floating around for Obama ad ideas. Almost certainly, some of the free-floating ideas are better than some of the ideas for ads that will actually get made. Although there's probably some correlation between having good ideas for ads and knowing how to actually make them, it won't be a perfect correlation.

So we need a system for putting the web to work for Obama in this way.

A system that will take in a large number of ideas, filter them, and send the best ones on to people who know what to do with them.

This is an idea that could very well have a very high payoff if it worked, in part because it is in some sense not just a single idea, but, rather, a whole source of new ideas.

How do we do this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearing House Organization for Obama ads.
Bloggers Unite: Bloggers are above the average intelligence. Therefore, we need to get our act together and make a difference in writing better ads. Philosoraptor has proposed a clearing house for ads. But we need some professional blogger to organize the entire US. If this can be accomplished, it should then be done by states since the election is determined by states. This is the only way that we can get our ideas through to the Obama Staff. Let’s get going!!

9:39 AM  

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