Saturday, July 01, 2006

Groupthink and the Times's Recent Revelations

Whew. The groupthink is flying fast and furious over the Times's story on tracking financial transactions. At Atrios the discussion is of how the very fact that the Times deciding to publish this story at all shows that conservatives control the media, and that "the media is the defining issue of our times." Insty links to Ann Althouse, who excoriates the Times. Her readers call the paper's actions "treasonous."

At Atrios I pointed out that even many liberals are concerned about the Times story. This was derided and dismissed, and I was branded a "concern troll." Not that this doesn't amuse the crap out of me, but it is fairly pathetic. Sill waiting for responses at Althouse. I've taken up the habit of occasionally posting fairly innocuous and level-headed comments on both righty and lefty blogs to see who's the more frothy and group-thinky. This'd be a great experiment to do in a truly objective and systematic way, but I don't really have the patience.


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