Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bore of the Worlds


Typical summer tripe. Sheesh, what am I saying...I actually like Summer tripe... But this may have been too tripey even for me...

God, how can you screw up that great story? Some good visuals, but too much stuff that doesn't make even enough sense for a Summer "blockbuster." Maybe worth seeing if you're stoned which, sadly, I wasn't, on account of seeing it with Johnny Quest's parental units.

Anyway, the movie was a little creepy at points, but not as creepy as if, say, Tom Cruise had just stood up there explaining Scientology... Now THAT stuff is scary...

Why can't the people who make movies like this just put 1/1000th of the effort into the screenplay that they put into the special effects? I'd be satisfied with anything that wasn't aggressively boring or stupid.

Interesting to note that the professorial protagonist has been replaced by a paradigmatically regular Joe, a guy who's rebuilding a 289 in his kitchen. I think us pointy-headed types are pretty out of favor these days. That may not be such a bad thing...

For those scanning the movie for political messages, I found only one notable line: roughly: "History has shown us that occupations never succeed."

Beware: semi-spoiler coming:
I predict that the James Dobsons of the world might claim that it was AIDS that kills the Martians (given the role of blood in the flick), and that this is a kind of pro-gay subsubsubtext of the movie. I'm not saying that makes any sense, but if it turns out to be true, you read it here first. If it turns out to be false, I'm going to deny ever even having had such a loony, twisted thought.


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