To repeat myself: wokeness is probably largely responsible for so many people switching parties from D to R. However, wokeness is a cancer on the nation and the world, and so it's natural to attribute responsibility to it. What better explanation for people abandoning a political party than it's adopting an ideology that is a cancer on the nation and the world? But sometimes the obvious thing isn't the real cause. And such complex things as political routes are often multicausal.
It wasn't a paradigmatic route, of course...but it was routey.
Traister has only one interesting point: that there was no red wave in the '22 midterms, at what she deems the height of Woketarian asshattery. Though she doesn't use exactly that terminology...
The response to that point seems obvious: the pro-abortion hysteria in the wake of Dobbs. I mean, I tend to be libertarian on abortion...but it was hysteria. Donald Trump killed abortion and all that. Not to mention the Handmaid's Tale cosplay and whatnot. They really love that shit, don't they? Kinda like the giant puppets at all those World Bank protests. Those people are weird... (Which is, incidentally, my take on why they tried the They're weird campaign against Trump and Vance--it was an attempt to block the obvious charge from being thrown at them...)
Anyhoo, you can't always answer such questions from the armchair. But, from where I'm sitting, it seems that:
Woketarianism is fucking insane and evil
People tend to dislike fucking insane and evil things
The Democrats were and are largely Woketarians
There's a whole movement of people reporting that "the left left them" by rocketing to their left
It seems likely that Woketarianism played a significant role in Trump's win
But, then, I do want it to be the case that Woketarianism is take it with a grain of salt.
People on the not-left like to say: Hey, you guys keep on REEEEEing on. Keep on being woke, so that you keep on losing elections.
Part of me agrees.
Part of me says: Be careful what you wish for. This moonbattery isn't gone. It's back on its heels right now, thanks to Trump's Shock and Awe campaign. But it isn't gone. They'll get their footing soon enough and be back to trying to Wokefy and Sovietize the USA before you know it.
And they will win elections again--probably soon.
And they didn't lose by nearly as much as such a lunatic faction should have lost.
And, even if the good guys win decisively this time, I still don't believe they're gone for good. This multifaceted Marxist-feminist-Critical-Theory-poststructuralist-postmodernist-Lysenkoist madness is so deeply entrenched in the academy, that crucial, Leninist bottleneck of the culture, that it'll be back.
To caution you again with My Great Wisdom and Experience: we thought we beat this shit back in the '90s.
We did not.
Maybe it'll be different this time.
But maybe it won't.