Sunday, May 28, 2023

PC Newspeak / Double-Standards: 'Congo-Crimea Hemoragic Fever' is Totally Not Stigmatic...Bigot

First, a moment of reflection for the two people dead from this. 
   It does not sound like a good way to go.
   My own interest in the term, however, has to do with the left's irrational (as should go without saying), impressionistic terminological diktats. Progressives and the MSM (but I repeat myself) squealed hysterically about 'Wuhan virus' (the term I still use), 'China virus,' and 'Chinese virus.' (Not to mention 'Kung flu', heaven forfend!) We still didn't even know whether it was The Big One, and the press was already going into hysterics about Trump saying 'China virus.' ("Because it's from CHI-NA".) Racist! Stigma! Xenophobic! Transphobic! No, wait...
   Despite the fact that using place-of-origin names is well-established*--and at least used to be the scientific standard--the politically correct thought-police cannot go a minute without reminding us that they exist, and believe themselves to be the arbiters of language. No matter how stupid their reasons.
   The CDC and WHO had whole pages of academic gobbledygook about "stigma"--as if that were their expertise, and they were speaking ex Cathedra. Thus contributing to the suicide of expertise by pagaging left-wing political opinion as expert conclusions about helth.
   My favorite is the reporter in the CHI-NA press conference who says something like (I'm not going to look it up) "There have been dozens of hate crimes against Asians...ethnicity does not cause the virus...why do you keep calling it 'China virus'?" As if anyone thought that race ("ethnicity") caused it. And as if there were any link whatsoever to violence against Asians. 
   At any rate: I suppose the deadly batflu is small enough in the rearview mirror at this point that the left doesn't feel like maintaining the charade.

* Spanish flu, Lyme disease, Ebola, Dengue fever, and on and on.


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