Friday, May 26, 2023

"DeSantis's Unhinged War on Woke"

This seems to be published under several different titles.
   No sexual brainwashing and mutilation of children! No DEI indoctrination (well, less of it...) kids at live "adult" performances...sending illegals to "sanctuary" cities outside the state...THE MONSTER!!!
   The overall thrust of this is good--though you can't trust the MSM to accurately represent it, and, true to form, USAT selectively lies about many of the measures--e.g. "bans" on drag shows, "don't say 'gay'...." (Actually, businesses can lose their licenses if they allow kids to attend "adult performances." Now, one can argue that this should be a parental decision. Though...when there used to be pr0no theaters, could parents take their kids to XXX movies?)
   The final story says that one parent complained about one poem in one book, and--allegedly--kids in one county's K-8th grades are--currently--prohibited from seeing that book. And it is an innocuous poem. 
   So, y'know: mass brainwashing and sexual mutilation of kids...some 4th graders have to go to the public library to see a certain poem...six a' one, half-dozen of the other, I say...
   IMO the problems are so serious now that we have to do something to stop the madness. And there will be some suboptimal decisions--no matter what we do. There were suboptimal decisions before FL did any of these things. But we're talking about general policies, not individual decisions. I'm also a lot less worried about the right going--very slightly--too far about this stuff, as this isn't just about the now. This isn't settling things for all time. the left will always push leftward. We're trying to find a temporary anchor against that relentless, destructive current. Compared to the abject insanity of the woketarian torrent, it is, I argue, foolish to worry overmuch about some possibly-suboptimal details. Nevertheless, after we acquire some experience, we can revisit the decisions. 
   An overall point about (trans)gender ideology in K-12: it has no business there. Not only does it have no business there, schools have shown they can't be trusted with it. They've already used it to advance hard-left, postmodern progressive ideology (which is really the point of "queer theory"), and they've already destroyed innumerable young lives with it. And don't forget: it's all crazy pseudoscience, anyway. This is like banning schools from teaching kids that Scientology is true, and that maybe they need an "audit"...
   Perhaps, in an ideal world, teachers would have more freedom to discuss such things. But in the actual world, we've seen--beyond any real doubt--that too many teachers will misuse it. Little is lost and much is gained by just purging it from schools.
   And, of course: schools aren't even teaching the things they're supposed to be teaching very well. There's no reason for them to be discussing radical, obscurantist sex theories to kids--especially when (as I'm sure is the case) the arguments and positions are not analyzed, evaluated and criticized, and alternative views are not adequately represented. 
   When the editor Scientific American is parroting (trans)gender pseudoscience, I don't trust third-grade teachers, who have largely been indoctrinated themselves in ed. schools (which are radically woke) to deal with the subject reasonably.
   Anyway. I'm always on the look out for authoritarianism--and DeSantis constitutes no exception to that rule. I'm more worried about what he's done at the New College of Florida--though: at least it's something, it's not unreasonable, and it's better than simply standing by and watching the postmodern progressive left destroy the world.


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