Ryan Bangert: Will VA General Assembly Open the Floodgates to Radical Gender Ideology
This seems like a stretch to me--but it does conform to a now-common Democrat strategy. I favor legal status for same-sex unions (though I'm currently inclined to think it's unclear to what degree such unions are marriages).
One problem with declaring that "any two adults" can marry is that this, strictly speaking, opens the door to polygamous marriage. If ANY two adults can marry, then already-married adults can marry--i.e. marry others. Or, more precisely: if A is married to B, B would also be able to marry C. So you have to have some kind of clause ruling that out. We ordinarily take claims like "any two adults can marry" to tacitly rule out such cases. But they don't, strictly speaking, do so.
Anyway, I do favor same-sex unions of some kind, and I tend to be ok with calling them marriages even though I don't think that issue is 100% clear. Normally I wouldn't worry about expansionist readings of the law leveraging it for gender-ideological purposes...but we can't really put such things past the blue team these days.
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