Friday, November 29, 2024

"Samantha" Sapp: "Soon I'll Occupy the Men's Room Stall Next to You; Thank the OH Legislature"

Mr. Sapp is one of those men who misrepresents himself as--and insists that he is--a woman.
   He's got nothing new to add to this absurd parody of a debate.
   There's the ubiquitous red herring why-don't-they-address-a-real-problem. Well Sapp old bean, you're the one who fabricated a problem out of nothing. Don't blame Ohio.
   He's going to be peeing next to you soon! Well, that's creepy alright. But people gotta pee, and Mr. Sapp is a dude. So I guess we'll have to deal with it. Better than him sneaking into the women's.
   Thing is, I've never been sure that segregation by sex for the familiar purposes is defensible. What I really care about in this case is that we refuse to give in to the Orwellian left trying to coerce us into accepting the patent falsehood that men in dresses are women. (And, for that matter, that castrated or otherwise mutilated men are women.) Sapp's a man. We do not have sci-fi sex-change technology. End of story.
There are arguments against sex-segregated public restrooms, locker rooms, sports, etc. I'm no longer convinced by them as I sort of was at one time. But here is perhaps the main argument in the contemporary debate:

(1) "Trans" "women" are women.
(2) Women use the women's room (etc.)

Of course 'trans woman' is a Progressive Newspeak term for man (mis)representing himself as a woman. "Trans" "women" are simply not women. So premise (1) is false. No attempt to prove otherwise rises above the level of patent sophistry. So whatever arguments the left wants to use to finagle women into the men's room, it can't be that one.
   Now, on the side of the debate I don't care that much about are all the grubby details about men using women's facilities. Others are more interested in those arguments than I am, and better-prepared to address them.
Here's a major consideration: 
Transgenderism in men is mostly a fetish--autogynephilia. So, among the men we least want in women's facilities are these men.
Now, Sapp expresses concerns about getting beat up if he goes into the men's room. That seems to be a legitimate concern. We do have to make sure that everyone who might be so inclined realizes that it's straight to jail for anyone who does such a thing. And, of course, the rest of us also have an obligation not to allow it to happen.
   Anyway, the real point here is: any debate we might want to have about all this has to begin with the premise that Sapp is a man.


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