Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Violent Crime Rates Likely Still Increasing; FBI Stealth-Edits 2022 Numbers

   Not from the Lott thing:
Violent crime rates shot up in 2020 as a result of the Ferguson Effect, police defunding, "decarceration," Soros DAs refusing to enforce laws (against nonwhites, anyway). The left, using its reality distortion powers, chose to believe was COVID...
(Narrator: It was not COVID...)
   Now, with crime rates still higher, and Dems still pushing policies to keep it that way, crime reporting has become sketchy. The more reliable National Crime Victimization Survey numbers are unaffected, but those in the Uniform Crime Report are.
   Crime spiked so acutely in '20 that I wouldn't be surprised if it were dropping...but it doesn't seem to be.
   So weird.
   Stop enforcing the law and you get more crime...
   Reminds me of the (NYT? Atlantic?) headline, roughly: Despite drop in crime, prison populations remain high...


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