Monday, April 15, 2024

Defund NPR

Turley makes the case.
   The NPR CEO has responded to Uri Berliner's expose by calling it...and I'm not even making this up...: "profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning." That's like a parody of leftist puling. I mean, I guess it might be "hurtful"--after all, as they say, the truth hurts. "disrespectful" and "demeaning" are just goddamn stupid.
   I fell out of the habit of listening to NPR for a couple of years during which I didn't have to drive to campus, but could walk. I was an enthusiastic listener for decades, especially during my sometimes long commutes. When I tuned back in ca. 2015 (? '16?) I was appalled. Or maybe 'repulsed' is better. Fairly soon after I started tuning back in, I was listening to one of their talk shows and heard one of their well-known talking heads (can't remember his name now) ab. so. lutely. lose. his. shit. at one of his guests who was questioning liberal gun-control orthodoxy. I mean dude completely lost it. Needless to say, if that had been an isolated incident, NBD. But the NPR I returned to was not like the NPR I had left. New NPR didn't just lean was filled with politically correct bullshit about race (there was a whole show about "code switching" (honestly, how does the left come up with so many irritating turns of phrase?), for example), "gender," the bad Orange Man (REEEEEEEEEEEEE) and all the other leftist obsessions. Even a solidly Democrat friend of mine said to me, years ago, that NPR had become awful, and that he couldn't even listen to it anymore...
   There's no way we should pay for that shit. 
   Lefties used to refuse to pay the tax on their phone bills because it allegedly was used to pay off debt from the Vietnam war. (That's not exactly true, as I understand it.) Anyway, maybe non-leftists should withhold the nickel or whatever of their taxes that is slated for NPR propaganda operations...


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