Sunday, March 10, 2024

Biden Apologizes for Not Using Correct Newspeak Term for Illegal Aliens

First, 'illegal alien' is the actual term. It's a legal term (or was, until leftists purged it). There's nothing insulting about it. 'Resident alien' is also a perfectly fine term. The left often deploys the following sophistry: No human is illegal! They falsely assert that the term means that illegal aliens are somehow inherently illegal qua persons. Which makes no sense whatsoever. 'Illegal alien' is like 'illegal contractor' or 'illegal truckdriver.' Illegal aliens are foreigners in the country illegally. Illegal contractors are people contracting illegally. Etc. This is not complicated. There is, indeed, no such thing as a person being illegal qua person. Which, if nothing else were, should be your clue that that's not what such terms mean. In each case, a person is doing something in an illegal manner.
   Such bullshit isn't innocent. The progressive left has proven to be astonishingly adept at manipulating language. Its aim in cases like this is to repeatedly replace terms with negative connotations with cushier, happier-sounding terms in order to make something actually bad seem less so. 'Illegal alien' is accurate. And being in the country illegally is bad. So 'illegal alien' takes on the appropriate negative connotation. So the left then stomps its little feet and shrieks that the term is NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT. We were then told to say 'illegal immigrants.' But that's still got 'illegal' in it. So then 'undocumented immigrants.' Still not happy/dishonest enough. Next the term became just 'migrants.' See? No even mention of illegality! And heck, you can't even tell they're coming in! They may be going out. You don't know. They may just be wandering around... Recently, of course, they floated 'newcomer'... You really almost can't make this shit up.
   Other times they just insist that we follow their whimsical linguistic preferences--e.g. "people of color." Sure, it's basically 'colored people'...which sounds archaic to just about everybody...but it's different!'s rearranged! One is basically a racial slur, bigot! The other is the right one! The left's impressionistic linguistic preferences are to be our commands...
   Enforcing its preferences even when they don't matter, however, also serves the purpose of conditioning people to do as their told, linguistically...
   Of course, the really important thing is that we not refer to the murderers of American girls in politically incorrect terms...:


   And as for "they built this country"...wut?
   The left has just lost its mind. It can never come to rest on a reasonable position--e.g. the standard American view that legal immigrants are welcome, but illegal ones are not. The internal, radicalizing logic of the left pushes it ever leftward. If not defeated politically by saner movements, this internal, radicalizing logic ultimately leads to the elimination of borders, of distinctions between citizens and non-citizens, and of nations themselves. It's not like this should come as a surprise--the vanguard of the left has made it clear for a hundred years that it wants to elminate nations. The vanguard, however, translates its destructive revolutionary ends into the ooey-gooey language of empathy and inclusion attractive to the trailing edge of the movement.
   A nation that imports millions of third-world immigrants becomes that much more like the third world. Slowing accepting reasonable numbers of legal immigrants who assimilate and move toward citizenship is one thing. What the Democrats have inflicted on us is something else entirely.

[Here's a near-future leftist cause: "Non-Citizen Suffrage"]


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