Thursday, September 14, 2023

Turley: Five Facts that Compel Biden Impeachment Inquiry


New progressive talking point drops:  THERE'S NO EVIDENCE AT ALL!!!

Because the evidence always magically conforms itself to progressive preferences.

There's more reason to investigate Biden than there was for the first Trump impeachment...In which there really wasn't an investigation anyway... And in which, for those of you keeping score, Trump was right...and right about the very thing at issue now: Biden influence-peddling and using U.S. policy as a tool for personal and familial enrichment.

Look, I was a skeptic about all this--and I've posted about that many times. But at this point (a) an investigation is obligatory and (b) actually, I now kinda think Biden's more likely guilty than not. 
I don't mean legally. I'm no lawyer and know nothing of the relevant law. What I mean is: by this point it's pretty damn clear there were shenanigans going on. 

I used to say: who'd be dumb enough to try to pull something like this as VP? Senate, maybe. Veep? You'd have to be a complete moron to think you could get away with such a thing. Then I remembered two things:
(a) We're talking about Joe Biden here.
(b) The news media can be relied upon not only to not investigate, but to actively cover it up.
So, well, partially for good reasons and partially because he's just not smart, I actually can see Biden doing this.


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