Monday, April 17, 2023

Mark Hyman: Woke Defined

   The progressive left is made of sophistry and pseudoscience.
It's a very philosophical movement--or, rather, a very pseudophilosophical one, with the obscurantist literary pseudophilosophy of recent Continental "theory" at its core. One implication of this is that it's possessed of a certain low linguistic cunning. It has a knack for making up stupid terminology--but that Newspeak, ridiculous as it is, does have a tendency to baffle some people long enough for Woketarinism to get a hold on their institutions. 
   At any rate, over the past year or so they've pretended that:
'Woke' is undefinable--at least by its opponents
'Woke' is racist
   Of course it's their word. But, then, if it weren't for double standards they'd have no standards at all. The train wreck of incoherent bullshit that makes up the worldview of the contemporary progressive left is a hilarious mishmash of all the worst that recent (pseudo)philosophy has to offer. There's no handy, accurate name for it all--no surprise. 'Political correctness' is the core of the thing, but that already-existing term seemed not to catch on this time. The cultist became known as Social Justice Warriors--SJWs. But what to call the tenets of the cult? Eventually people just started using their own word--woke--as we used their own term--political correctness--back in the day.
   It's also worth nothing that this is the movement who used the term 'alt-right' for years without ever having any idea what they were talking about...
   But being unnamable was a weirdly effective advantage, and they don't want to give that up. Low cunning, remember. So they started demanding that their opponents define 'woke' on the spot. It's easy to do--it just means the view of the contemporary progressive left. Aka the cult. But it's very common for people to be unable to produce definitions off the top of their heads. So it can--and has--produced some gotcha moments that the cult plays over and over--cackling with glee, one imagines. 
   Anyway, though it's not hard to define, it's good to have the post Hyman has produced. It's about as good as can be done, I'd say. 


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