Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Progressives Whine About Conservatives Using 'Woke' to...Name Woketarianism...

This is stupid.

It's their typical arc. They benefitted from the fact that there was no accepted name for their position, and they have complained about every effort to give it a name. 'Woke' is their term. It has acquired a negative valence because their views are insane. This is what happened with 'political correctness.' It was their term, but they were crazy, so eventually the term acquired a negative valence, so then they gave it up. Then they said there'd never been any such thing. Oh, and, one of their favorite ploys: demanded that their opponents provide a definition. Of their view. It's not a serious request, of course. It's a debating trick. The right answer is: You tell me; it's a term for your incoherent view--whatever the hell that is. Actually, it's an incoherent mishmash of postmodernism, poststructuralism, trickle-down Foucault, critical theory, CRT, queer theory, radical feminism, (trans)gender ideology/mythology/pseudoscience, political correctness, anti-liberalism, the hermeneutics of suspicion, Marxism, neo-Marxism, cultural Marxism...a loony, incoherent mix of individually incoherent theories. Which is why people basically gave up and said: well, you call it being woke...so we'll just adopt your term. But the left has decreed that unacceptable. 
   This, remember, is the faction that shrieked about the "alt-right" for years without ever producing anything like a definition... 
   At any rate, their real view is: you don't get to name our view because you are critical of it. You aren't permitted to refer to our view at all unless you accept it. This is similar to the pronoun nonsense: we get to determine how you will refer to us; you will only speak of us as we tell you to. 
   What they want is to force us to call their view "progressive" or some other positive term. Buth they also demand that we maintain the positive valence of the term. So, basically: if you are going to criticize us, you don't get to refer to us at all...


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