Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Left's Whimsical and Capricious Takes on Language: 'Woman' in 2014

These are absolutely terrible and, in fact, downright stupid reasons...but the kind of interesting one--in the age of 'birthing people' and 'uterus-havers'--is the second one. (YOU WON'T BELIEVE NUMBER TWO!!!1111) 
   The progressive left has its roots in literature, not science. And it's largely driven by an impressionistic, interpretive method. You can almost ALWAYS make up some vaguely plausible-sounding arguments like these. That's why vaguely plausible-sounding arguments are basically worthless. These all really come down to "Use the words we tell you to use the way we tell you to use them. Bigot." Or "We decree 'woman' to be PC and 'female' to be un-PC."  Of course now they have tried to redefine 'woman' to mean 'feminine'...and replaced it with terms that genuinely are repulsively biological and reproductive (see above). 
   At any rate. None of the six arguments are sound. It's false that no one refers to men as 'males'. Yes, women and females are different groups--but they overlap. And one might want to talk about, y'know, females, not women. Thus you'd be referring to women--and other females--via the term 'female(s). Also, the human condition might be clearly implicit; as when we refer to men as males. We often restrict the universe of discourse when quantifying. And no, the term isn't used to express inferiority. That's just stupid. If someone thinks that women are inferior, that person will have and express that idea whether they say 'women' or 'females.' 
   But, yeah, #6 is mostly right: if you want to talk about women there is, indeed, a word for that: 'women.' But that doesn't mean that it's not permissible to say 'females.' 
   Of course the left has decided to go with basically the opposite whimsical decree these days. Currently, to use the word 'woman' to refer to women is doubleplus-un-PC. Now you are to use the term only to refer to the collection of actual women + men pretending to be women. Contrary to the 2014 diktat, 'woman' must never be used to refer to women. Using 'woman' to refer to women is some totally "transphobic" shit, bigot. Currently, you are absolutely prohibited from using that word to mean what it means...


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