Saturday, May 14, 2022 Right on Cue, NYT Goes All-In on War

I don't have and don't deserve a position on the Ukraine situation.
I have some half-assed inclination to believe what I heard John Mearsheimer say...but probably only because I don't know anything about what's going on. That is: NATO should not have flirted with letting Ukraine in. 
But once Putin attacked Ukraine, I don't see how any normal person can't root for the Ukrainians.
But that doesn't mean we should go all-in on a proxy war with a nuclear power...especially when we seem to have provoked it.
And: the obvious moral arguments are easy for everyone to see; but at least many experts argue that this has to (also?) be seen as a matter of realpolitik, as a matter of great power politics. There are people who really understand this stuff. Most of us are just kibbitzing on the basis of our moral outrage. (Note: no, I'm not sure 'just' belongs in that sentence.)
Anyway: right on cue, the NYT is beating the war drums
It's baffling to me how the very-lefty MSM always seems to eager to war.
The populist right is now agin' it--probably to some extent because the left is for it. But I guess that's always a factor on both sides.
Initially, I was for providing a lot of aid to Ukraine. But then I started suspecting that we were getting a rosy picture of the war. Though I'm not exactly sure why/how-much that matters...
I'm also not wild about another $40 billion for Ukraine.
It'd be different if the administration hadn't already been spending like drunken sailors...or if the economy weren't already in danger...or if we had any reason to believe the Dems might sober up sometime soon.... But they have and it is and we don't.
Well, tl;dr:  I don't know.

[Also: I have an ignorant inclination to agree with those who say that we should be doing more-or-less whatever we can to patch up relations with Russia in hopes of moving toward an anti-China alliance. That seems like a long-term goal that might only come to fruition, if at all, post-Putin...but what do I know?]


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