Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Albamarle Mom Says School's CRT(-ish) Curriculum Changed Her Son

I've been told that I'm pretty bad at understanding the rhetorical situation in such cases, and that may very well be. But I'd say it's not so much the content that's the problem as the fact that this psychotic, racist pseudoscience is being represented as unquestionable knowledge. This may not be the right approach for K-12, but, of course, the scholarly idea is that you can teach about any view that somehow or other becomes of interest--but you must always teach about it objectively, considering strengths, weaknesses and alternatives views. Progressivism, however, misrepresents outre and idiosyncratic views as not only established truth, but as unassailable truth. [Note: one more time: this is indoctrination.]
   And again I'll note: it's not exactly CRT that's at issue, but, rather a chaotic and largely incoherent cluster of views, largely from Continental philosophy and "theory"/lit-crit that took over much of the humanities in the '80s. CRT is just the current flagship view. Postmodernism was the flagship back in the day. ("Trans")gender ideology is making a strong move on the outside. The flagship might be queer theory next year. 


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