Sunday, April 17, 2022

Techno Fog: "CIA Bombshell: Sussman Data Was User-Created"

I'll tediously point out once again: the MSM took every loony, implausibly, barely-supported allegation "linking" Trump to Russia, spun it up into an earthshattering "revelation," and shouted it from the rooftops.
Conversely, now that we have actual, substantial evidence that Democrats perpetrated the most astonishing political hoax in American history, the MSM is silent. Worse than silent. They drag their feet as long as possible, ridicule and deny any allegation that it's no longer possible to ignore, and label it all a "conspiracy theory." Which, technically, it is--it's a theory about a conspiracy...a more and more well-justified theory about a conspiracy.
And, as usual, a massive percentage of progressives and Democrats are willing participants, so locked into groupthink and a "curated" worldview that none of this even seems to register.
I suppose I never thought I'd see something I'd find an order of qualitude worse than the WMD lie-up to Iraq.
I suppose I was wrong.
Conservatives have been right about almost all of this, almost from the beginning. 
And for quite some time I've been saying that it's been game, set and match: conservatives. 
But "facts don't real" to progressives. 
The craziest conservative sub-theory about all of this is that Dems were involved in the murder--or assassination?--of Seth Rich. The theory is that Rich downloaded the data from DNC servers that would have blown the Russiagate hoax wide open. 
I take it that Techno Fog's final sentence is gesturing in the direction of this theory. What could have been so important that it would drive Sussman & co. to risk their cushy, masters-of-the-universe careers, freedom, and lives in the way they seem to have?
Of course the hypothesis is crazy.
Utterly, completely crazy.
The problem, really, is that the evidence seems to be tending in such an insane direction that even the Rich assassination hypothesis no longer seems beyond the pale. 
I don't believe that hypothesis is true. Of course I'd bet a lot of money against it.
But the fact that it can no longer be dismissed with certainty is horrifying in itself.


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