Saturday, January 15, 2022

To End Fatphobia, We Must Dismantle Western Civilization Says Fat Therapist

The destruction of Western civilization is, indeed, the main goal of the vanguard of the intelligentsia... It's a mere shadow of itself by the time it trickles down to the average progressive activist. And it's even harder to discern in the thinking of less-activist progressives. But it's always there, affecting the course of the movement. It shows up in low-grade progressive ideas like Oh, letting people come across the border illegally is just nice...don't be mean! People at that level would be less moved by Permitting unchecked immigration will destroy the USA, and that will destroy the West... They don't quite share that goal. So the trick is to get them to accept the first-order goals despite them not sharing the ultimate goal. Taking away people's say in the education of their children is a step toward destroying the nuclear family--but that's not going to sell too well to suburban housewives. So instead it's marketed as anti-racism. Because who could be against that???
The left is evil and crazy...but it's damn good at being those things...


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