Thursday, January 13, 2022


Well, Jonny Quest and I either do or don't have the batflu, depending on which test results you trust. We guess we probably do. It doesn't fit the profile of the flu nor a cold nor any other thing we know of. It's never been that bad, but it's been somewhat bad at times. I've never been bedridden nor near to it, but JQ seems to have it a bit worse and has opted to stay in bed some. Thing is, the f*cker just won't go away. I'm at two weeks now, and I'm still dragging ass. And I still have crap in my lungs--though that's a somewhat chronic condition of mine. Never a fever for either of us, either. Anyway, whatever this is it's a pain in the ass and no mistake. It's definitely cramping my gainz, as I haven't been to the gym in over two weeks now. And the Western Slope is closed for hunting season--so no trail running. But, actually, the tiny bit of running I've been doing when I take The Bear for walks has been freakin' exhausting--in fact nigh on impossible. So Running really isn't the ticket right now anyway. That's the main symptom of whatever we have--fatigue. Or: fatigue + weakness. 
Alright, enough bitchin'.


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