Sunday, November 21, 2021

WSJ: Kyle Rittenhouse Is Not Guilty, But Politicians Continue To Distort The Truth

Progressives live in a parallel reality. Or, rather: progressivism is a parallel reality. Except, y'know...not a real one... 
   Even when facts are right out there in the open, they very often just have no effect on the collective progressive view of the world. Despite their certainty that America is evil and the world must be unmade/remade in accordance with progressive principles: the great mass of progressives have no idea what's going on. Their knowledge of current events (not to mention history) is basically of degree zero. Maybe conservatives are the same--I'd kinda guess they are. But their view of the world is so much more ordinary and sane that--currently, at least--it simply matches the facts much more often. 
   And, of course, a cornerstone of the postmodern progressive left is political correctness. So, when the progressive worldview fails to match the truth--which is often--progressives begin spinning out a tale that--were it true--would justify their political/politicized view of the matter. Then they begin doublethinking it to be true.
   How could you be alive in America in 2021 and think that the dead assailants in the Rittenhouse case were black? How?? It's mind-boggling. And now, after the trial, after the verdict, after the rest of us finally discovered how distorted the progressive view of the events was and began explaining the facts over and over do they still believe the fake version???
   And...WTF???...despite their abject ignorance/misunderstanding/cluelessness about the facts...they are, nevertheless, so passionate about it that they're protesting and rioting about it again
   How can you care so little that you don't know even the most basic facts...but care so much that you riot in favor of sending an 18-year-old kid to prison for life????
   Granted, the PMSM is a gigantic cornerstone of progressive derangement. Even those who manage to read stories about the events in the PMSM will likely come away more ignorant than they went in. So that's a major partial explanation. It may even explain a significant majority of the phenomenon. But it doesn't explain all of it. Part of the explanation is also that youth is stupid, and easily manipulated with emotional appeals and oppression rhetoric...
   Meh. I don't know, man. I've got no big conclusion. It's just mind-blowing and horrifying to watch this go on and on and get worse and worse. I note that Biden picked up where Obama left off, senselessly, falsely fanning the flames of racial strife. (I was very pro-Obama...but, in retrospect, he did often (but not always) fail in that direction.) I hope Rittenhouse sues the shit out of Biden, CNN and the rest for falsely calling him a White Supremacisttm. Ah, I'm shutting up now.


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