Saturday, November 27, 2021

So, Wait, Are We Supposed To Be Getting Hysterical About The Nu Variant Or The Omicron Variant?

I have no idea what's going on.
But WSJ says this.
Hey, remember when Trump was a racist for imposing a COVID travel ban? Good times.
Basically I can't distinguish fearmongering from legitimate causes for concern when it comes to COVID.
I's fucking awful...but also very much exaggerated...right? I mean...just about the first thing that became clear to be out of the fog of hysteria, early on, was that the danger was being more-or-less systematically exaggerated. Why was it suppressed for so long that age and comorbidities were so crucial? I is that to be explained? Why has no one ever said, in all this time: "Lose five pounds"? 
And I say:  Gell-Mann amnesia.
I know that progressive institutions are radically distorting race issues. and, so far as I can tell, they're doing the same to climate issues. And somehow COVID, too, has taken on a political valence--with the left being committed to COVID hysteria and the right being committed to a much more sanguine and let's-get-back-to-normal view of the thing. So one has to suspect that there's a certain degree of progressive influence on the reporting...
Are leftists generally just more panicky? I mean, they're less panicky about China... Which is consistent with them being generally just more panicky...


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