Sunday, November 07, 2021

Jenkins: On Russiagate, Durham Indicts The Press, Too

Funny how the biggest political scandal of my lifetime has been suppressed and distorted by the mainstream media...and nobody on the left cares one bit. They still revere their prestige media, read it exclusively, take its word as gospel--so long as it toes the party line. Which it almost always does. Their media itself participated in creating and sustaining the Russiagate hoax, and this undermined their faith in that media exactly not at all--so far as I can tell. If you're still taking the word of the NYT, WaPo, et al. on politically and culturally controversial stories...uh...well, look: what sort of evidence of their unreliability are you waiting for? How much more could you possibly want? The entire progressive institutional superstructure is living in a web of lies and delusions of its own spinning. The madness has infected the truth-discovering-and-transmitting institutions, and progressivism is going along with the madness those institutions pump out--sometimes happily, sometimes angrily, sometimes terrified of the apparatus of "cancel culture" being turned on them themselves...but it's certainly going along...


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