Saturday, September 11, 2021

Ioannidis: "How The Pandemic Is Changing The Norms Of Science"

Nothing new here, but it needs to keep being said. And it's good to see someone like Ioannidis saying it.
   Well, actually: I didn't know about the fabricated anti-hydroxychloroquine results. Seems to me that if such studies had fabricated pro-HCQ results we'd still be hearing about it. But maybe not.
   Also: while I'm sure there's pressure on scientists from outside the academy if they say/publish things unpopular with the right...nobody really cares. Conservative civilians are viewed as rubes and boobs. Short of death threats, it's kind of hard to imagine anyone paying them much mind. OTOH, the left rules the roost in academia, is ruthless, and has the power to destroy careers. Even their most absurd accusations are commonly taken seriously. Also, their intellectual/scholarly vanguard commonly accepts political control of science as a principle--a feature not a bug. Someone who accepts ideals of rational inquiry, but sometimes violates them can at least be reasoned with and/or shamed back onto the straight and narrow. Someone who gives them up as a matter of principle is beyond reason. The former may be hypocritical, but hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue. 


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