Friday, July 16, 2021

Hugo Gurden: Gaslighting For Critical Race Theory

There are only so many ways to say things like this.
The problem isn't that we haven't made our point. 
The problems is that we're trying to reason with unreasonable people--people who are, perhaps, not inherently unreasonable, but more probably made unreasonable by the massive tangle of lunacy that is postmodern progressivism (or "the successor view" or whatever you want to call it.)
On the other hand, I've begun to wonder whether what we're seeing is some kind of innate quasi-insanity being revealed in those who are so readily falling under the spell of the cult...
We've provided cogent argument after cogent argument for the conclusion that they are dragging us toward totalitarian, dystopian insanity...and they merely respond with some combination of "No--we're not doing what you can plainly see us doing" and "Yes--totalitarian, dystopian insanity constitutes social justice / the right side of history." 


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