Saturday, July 31, 2021

CDC Delta/India Variant Chaos

I again have no idea what to think.
   I'd rather that we could just basically accept whatever the CDC told us about such things. But we can't.
   The CDC has, seemingly, been corrupted/colonized by the unhinged postmodern-progressive worldview. And, apparently for a couple of different reasons (including chance), that worldview is committed to panic about a lot of different things. Including the COVID. 
   Alternatively: the CDC is overly risk-averse...possibly because they can't risk saying things are ok in case disaster strikes. That's probably the stuff of their nightmares.
   And, of course: they just seem to be in a serious knowledge deficit about this damnable bug.
   But, in general, the pomo-progs love the fear. And the CDC has clear ben influenced (it seems) but the prevailing worldview. Pomo-progs are addicted to panic. Panic about COVID, panic about the climate, panic about racism and police violence, panic about Trump, panic about "right-wing extremism" and "white supremacy," panic about "transgender" toddlers committing suicide on account of not getting immediate hormone injections and simulated-sex-change surgery, panic about nanoaggressions, panic about scholarly journals printing naughty, naughty badthought wrongstuff...
   Panic, as they've admitted several times, is also a tool. Panic about x is a precursor to more pomo-prog government control of x. That's just how they roll.
   And that worldview also loooooves masks.     (Or "masking" or "masking up" as they like to say. Because they have some bizarre love of irritating words/terminology.)
   And, of course, The Powers That Be are simultaneously (a) telling us to panic / wear masks etc. and (b) trucking huge numbers of COVID-infected illegal border-crossers into the interior of the country. 
Just one more sign, of many, that even the Bideneers don't believe what they claim to believe. Someone who genuinely thought there were grounds for panic about the India/delta variant wouldn't be doing such a thing. But the Biden administration is doing it. Ergo... As with climate change, I argue: when even the panic-mongers don't believe what they're mongering, we don't have to believe it either.
   My God, what an insane situation to be in!
   Ten years ago, if you'd told me that this is where we'd be, I'd have called you mad.
   But here we are.
   What to do? Like so many other people, I'm torn between:
(i) Masks aren't that big a deal; if there's a decent chance of mitigating transmission (to me or someone else), it's worth it to wear a mask for a couple of weeks.
(ii) I'm done with being jerked around by the CDC and other elite institutions. And especially done with the pomo-prog worldview being imposed on me. And especially done with it being imposed on me disguised as science. There have been too many lies already. 'Wolf' has been cried too many times. We don't even know that masks are effective enough to bother with. And it's not like it's just about this--it's also about granting pomo-prog soft totalitarianism more power--which it will certainly put to nefarious ends. tl:dr: fuck off, CDC. You squandered your credibility. 
I'm not currently wearing masks when I'm out and about, but I'll go along with what everybody else is doing. Probably.
WSJ says this.
Holman Jenkins says this.
I don't know. Mostly I'm just mad that I have to try to figure this out on my own, and can't just, for once in my damn life, do what I'm told.


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