Saturday, June 12, 2021

Outright Pseudoscience: The Next Frontier For the Pomo/CRT/Progressive Synthesis

Science is a "white way of knowing." CRT says that "lived experience" and nonwhite "ways of knowing" are just as good as science and scientific medicine. And, while the words and actions of many scientists during the batflu pandemic would seem to make this a rather low bar to clear...well...this stuff is still bullshit.
   Notice the tortured headline that...well...does it or doesn't it really say that this voodoo stuff works against the COVID? 
   If you've followed this blog, you know that something has annoyed me for awhile. Last time leftist pomo bullshit metastasized wildly--during the paleo-PC crisis of the late '80s - early '90s--pseudoscientific and outright magical "new age" mumbo jumbo was simultaneously the rage in pop culture. I predicted that, after crazy leftist pomo stuff erupted again that pseudoscience / magic / woo-woo stuff would also show up. CRT is actually outright pseudoscientific itself...but I don't count that. Astrology was recently in vogue a bit--and maybe still is. There's still time for me to be right! But the woo is really not showing up to the degree I thought it would. But maybe this ancient Chinese medicine stuff will get it going.


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