Thursday, April 15, 2021

PC Lysenkoism: Pseudoscientific Gibberish About The "Social Construction" Of Race



If you want to take a concentrated hit of progressive-left PC bullshit, this is the article for you--from the the (currently, anyway) woke as a joke unScientific UnAmerican. I can't quite say that all the crazy left's greatest hits about race anti-science are here...but most of the main ones are represented. The obvious political motives are ostentatiously on parade. Word magic makes an appearance (they're not races! They're populations...) The no-single-gene fallacy is there. The only one I didn't see is the Continuum Fallacy--surprisingly. Also throughout is one of my personal faves: races don't exist...but they do...because they have social they're real...and it's important to recognize this so that we can keep the hustle going... Oh, and I almost forgot: the tacit acknowledgement that it's racial IQ differences that are the real bogyman they're fleeing...
   Oh and: Nicholas Wade's A Troublesome Inheritance is rrrraaazzziiizzziiizzzttt!!!111
   The last bit of sophistry I'll mention is the claim that "racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity" BS. First: if racial categories are proxies for anything, it's genetic similarities. I know what they mean--but jeez, just try to be a little bit precise, willya? Second: facepalm. You could say the same thing about species, for the lova... From the perspective of genetics, features at the phenotypic level are always going to be "weak proxies." So as soon as you guys can do biology, zoology, and medicine better from the level of genes and genotypes...well you just let us all know and we'll switch right over...
   Lysenkoism. Sophistry. Pseudoscience. Condescending stupidity. Blindness. Sanctimony. 
   Good thing the cult doesn't control the Presidency, too, huh?


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