Saturday, March 06, 2021

Paleo- and Neo-PC On Offensiveness and Danger/Violence

I made endless fun of the paleo-PCs for calling everything they didn't like "offensive." That was their favorite thing to say "that's offensive." I said many times that the neo-PC version of that is to call things "problematic." But it just dawned on me that the paleos' conception of offense actually also evolved into the neos' violent and dangerous. The neos upped the shrillness/hyperbole/crazy factor by characterizing things that would formerly have been characterized as merely offensive as dangerous or even violent. Saying unPC things now is alleged to bring violence down upon anointed / preferred minority groups--or even to constitute violence against them. The paleos declared 'black' unPC--the PC term was the then-novel 'African-American.' Their campaign was very effective--and the after-effect lasted for years. They so completely won on that issue that no one used 'black' for many years. Even I eventually gave in on the issue for a year or so at one point--they just won, and ordinary people had changed their habits. You'd no more say 'black' at that time than you'd say 'colored' now. But then, slowly, both became acceptable in polite society again.
   Anyway...the real point was the first one. I don't know why I started talking about the 'black'/'African-American' thing.


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