Thursday, November 05, 2020

Stuffed The Blue Wave

Even if we lose the Presidency--God forbid--we blocked the "blue wave."  Not that I'm giving up on the Presidency--because no I ain'tGiven how things actually turned out, I don't think it can be denied that the election of 2000 was the most important one of my life in terms of actual consequences. 
   Hm. Well, actually, given the importance of Reagan (regardless of whether you're pro or con), I suppose an argument could be made for '80... Well, let's say of my voting-life. At any rate: there's really no competing with the disastrous decision to (demote Afghanistan and OBL in importance and) go into Iraq--on the basis of distorted and cherry-picked intelligence. 
   But, in terms of likely long-term, foreseeable consequences for the nation, I'd put this election up with '80 and '84 at least. (Though it's always hard to compare earlier and later events with respect to importance, especially if the later is affected by the earlier.)
   Our options are: (a) good policies + a fantastically antipresidential demeanor and (b) a much more palatable and normal political demeanor + a party that's soft on violent, anti-rational, anti-American radicalism, largely shit policies, and a penchant for totalitarianism. Need a hint on which of these to choose?
   It's not that the outlines of the old Democrats aren't still discernible in the party--because they absolutely are. But that's not enough. And Biden is a goofy guy for whom I've always had a soft spot. But they've both been corrupted by the Dems' hard-left insurgency. The worst way in which they've been corrupted is: their near-total immunity to facts. It's bad enough when that produces e.g. climate-change hysteria. It's a downright danger to the country when it takes the form of leftist mythology/hysteria about racism. That's produced violent riots and the threat of genuinely insane, radical change--almost entirely on the basis of falsehoods. And Biden adopted their favored tactic of employing relentlessly repeated lies as a means to character assassination. That last thing alone is a reason to never even consider voting for this corrupt and unhinged version of the blue team. This is how monumentally important decisions are being made: the left proposes some crackpot thing or other, then unleashes a torrent of relentless false accusations of racism on anyone who opposes it until everyone gives up and they win.
   And none of this is to even mention the massively corrupt Russiagate hoax aimed at disenfranchising half of the American electorate by overturning the 2016 election--nor clear evidence of Biden-family influence-peddling, and a coverup for it in the form of Ukrainegate and impeachment. Which, again, is itself enough to rule out voting blue.
   Ah well. Anyway. At least we stuffed the blue wave. Nothing left to do but keep our fingers crossed and do whatever we can to get fair and legal vote-counts at this point.


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