Monday, October 05, 2020

Christopher F. Rufo: The Truth About Critical Race Theory

It's nuts, it's racist, and government employees are being forced to undergo CRT indoctrination sessions. Critical theory is a major component of what I have, for years, been calling "the postpostmodern mishmash." And CRT is a sub-view / variant of critical theory. As I've said before: you can no more "train" people in this than you can train them in Christianity or Scientology or Marxism. You can teach people about such views. You can learn about their doctrines, discuss them, criticize them, etc. But to "train" someone in such views means: to indoctrinate them. CT and CRT are peculiar, rather extreme, idiosyncratic philosophical perspectives. They are unproven--and not terribly plausible even by the standards of philosophical ideas. 
   If you want to give your employees a chance to learn some philosophy, well, that sounds great to me. Start with the pre-Socratics, maybe, and work forward. Or start with some less-weird views and work toward the really weird ones. Critical theory will not come early in that scheme of organization. Maybe you could argue that it'd come about halfway between the really plausible views and the really weird ones...but I'd say that's a bit too charitable.


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