Tuesday, August 11, 2020

RCP: Biden's Lead In Top Battlegrounds Down To 4.4%

It's dumb to pay much attention to daily changes, but it's my blog so.
When people start paying attention, I simply can't believe that Biden can maintain a lead. I fear that he can, but don't believe that he can. Despite the notorious irrationality of politics, I just don't think that a majority of the nation will support the tangle of crazy that is the newly radical Democratic left. Of course a lot of people will simply not vote against party no matter what. And some would never vote for Trump--which is understandable. I think it's understandable given his demeanor alone. Add to it the relentless PMSM lying/brainwashing, and for many people he becomes simply not an option. And of course there's the massive complex of over-the-top anti-Trump resistance efforts--Russiagate, Ukrainegate, exaggeration of the batflu to enhance economic damage, and nationwide riots... Hm. Actually it is kinda hard imagining a president surviving all that... But when one side is basically prosecuting a violent anarcho-communist revolution predicated on an incoherent postpostmodernist / racialist anti-American, anti-liberal pseudophilosophy...and the crazies are now calling the shots on the blue team... If the country hasn't completely lost its mind, I just don't think a majority of it will support the crazies. Even if the other stuff didn't do it, I'd think the calls to abolish the cops would tear it. 
Guess we'll see.


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