Sunday, July 26, 2020

Ward Connerly: "America Isn't A Racist Country"

God bless Ward Connerly.
Quoth he:
Yet in America, a nation that is increasingly testing the limits of incivility, justice for Floyd and his family was never the primary objective of those who took to the streets. Instead, the incident represents an opportunity for some to pursue an era of racial leveraging, the likes of which we haven’t seen in some time. For those who yearned to return to a time when race is at the center of the public-policy agenda, this is it.
Some say that America needs to have a conversation about race. I doubt that’s a good idea, but such a conversation is inevitable and already under way. In preparation for an even more intense exercise in American democracy, with race as the centerpiece, I suggest a few factors to guide the discussion.
First, let us acknowledge that there is pressure, spoken and silent, to accept without challenge the view that U.S. is a nation boiling in the juices of “systemic racism.” The response should be a bold and spirited defense of our nation’s progress as we have addressed the topic of race.
When certain Americans were denied the right to vote based on the color of their skin, that was systemic racism. When small children and college students had to be ushered to school by the National Guard, past defenders of state laws and policies that sought to maintain racial segregation, that was systemic racism. When black and white Americans were forbidden to marry, that was systemic racism—and a gross infringement on individual liberty.
Our history is the best proof that America is not a racist nation. A nation of white racists wouldn’t elect and re-elect a black man as president. Those who assert that the U.S. is racist must, at a minimum, address this historical fact.
What delivered us from the undeniable racism of the past to the election of Barack Obama? The American creed—“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”—inspired the laws that changed our social and legal structure to make the aspiration real.
We are witnessing an all-out assault on America, not only as it was but as it is and as we seek it to become. As a society, we have been slow to respond to those who propose to transform the U.S. We have not asked, as we should have: Transform from what to what? The answer to this question may be found in the bluest of American states—among them California and Washington—where the transformation is in full bloom.
The operating thesis of a significant segment of the leadership in these states is that America is a racist nation, governed by a horde of white male supremacists who use the pretense of equality to maintain their superior position. When asked for evidence to support the claim of white supremacy,” the only response I have been given is, “Look all around.” They hold this untruth to be self-evident.
This basically couldn't be righter.
   One part I'll highlight is: "Some say that America needs to have a conversation about race. I doubt that’s a good idea..." 
   A better idea is: let's just try to move forward.
   The main idea of the Orwellian progressive left is: facts must be subordinated to "social justice"--which means: leftist political dogma. Currently, our "conversation" about race isn't a conversation at all--the left doesn't converse. It dictates. It spews out its dogma and shouts down the opposition--usually via accusations of racism. 
   Thus far, reasonable people have been too ignorant of the facts--withheld from them by the PMSM--and too cowed to state some central, extremely uncomfortable facts that utterly eviscerate the BLM/progressive position. The Orwellian left has managed, thus far, to badger people into conducting a fantastically fictional "debate" based on wildly false premises.
   Eventually, people will get fed up, and educate themselves...and then the debate will become a real debate..and then things will become much more unpleasant.
(Note that none of this het even touches on the radical left's inherent penchant for violence and destruction...)
   Connerly's right--as usual. 
   This is a nation in which there's still some racism--but not that much.
   It is, however, in no way a racist nation.


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