Thursday, July 02, 2020

Baby Bonds: A Race-Neutral Way To Close The Racial Wealth Gap?

See, the racial wealth gap, unlike the Open Season myth, is an actual problem, and we know this because that claim is supported by actual evidence. 
Are "baby bonds" a race-neutral way to close the gap? Because that's what we need.
Well, this piece is a bit of cheerleading for such bonds, but we're told toward the end that it wouldn't be enough, and that we'd also need the other items on the contemporary progressive wish list, including elimination of college debt, "rationalizing" health care (i.e.: some kind of socialist program--Medicare for all or whatevs), ending mass incarceration, and...not making this up...ending poverty ("as measured by income"). 
Oh, and: it'll cost a mere $80 billion / year! Only 10% as much as the (massive, unsustainable) cost of Social Security...
And these are just the problems that emerge from an extremely friendly story about the idea.
Oh and: Orange Man's "opportunity zones" are bad and awful! Weird, huh?
Anyway, the racial wealth gap, unlike the imaginary problems currently destabilizing the country, is real, and I think it's important we address it--and in a race-neutral way. So I'm certainly willing to listen to more arguments about this idea.


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