Monday, June 29, 2020

The Candice Owens Show: Marc Lamont Hill

I've only watched about 20 minutes of this, but it's really good. They're both making good, reasonable points so far, and Owens is really impressive in two ways: first, remaining focused on what I take to be the most important point: that BLM's main theses are about police and whites killing blacks. Hill has also impressed me in that he's admitted from the get-to that those theses are false. He made no bones about that. But we've got be very clear that that's a huge concession--and one that BLM and the rioters have not publicly acknowledged. Anyway, it's really hard to stay focused and avoid being dragged off a point like that--but Owens is killing it. She's focused like a laser beam. Hill is right that, those theses having been refuted, it's time to turn our attention to corresponding theses about sub-lethal violence. Because that can be humiliating--and humiliation is extremely important when we're talking about agents of the state. Hill asserts that "a" study shows that policy are 50% more likely to use sublethal force against blacks and Hispanics; that's not my impression, and it doesn't seem to be e.g. John McWhorter's impression either. But that's the point we need to focus on, alright. Again, Owens is impressive in that she not only keeps all the bookkeeping straight, but she doesn't merely deny the point, nor try too hard to wiggle out of it--she just straight-up says that she hasn't seen the study. Though she adds--reasonably--that she's skeptical given the falsehood of the more straightforward theses about lethal violence.
   Anyway, pretty impressive on both sides IMO--and I'm pretty good at that stuff, so not easily impressed. I can't believe that this will continue to be this good--but it's a great start.


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