Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"Kung Flu" Is In No Way Racist

Utterly absurd.
   How on Earth is 'kung flu' supposed to be racist? It's a joke about the origin of the virus in China. 'Kung fu' is, indeed, a Chinese term and kung fu is a Chinese martial art. See, the joke is that you take 'kung fu' and add an 'L', and get a jokey way of saying that the virus came from China--like knug fu! Which, apparently, it did. It's in no way even insulting, much less racist. Is Wu-Tang Clan racist? It is not. Despite the fact that it's supposed to sound Chinesey. It's not even insulting, much less racist. 
   One of the many ways in which progressivism is nuts is that it spews unjustified and irresponsible accusations of racism at every person and view it disagrees with. 'Kung flu' might be annoying to some, or even angrifying, I suppose. Probably people are now so cowed that they're afraid to say anything jokey that sounds like it has even the loosest connection to anything that could possibly be construed as racial. Anything that has anything whatsoever to do with anything with a link to race and sounds even the slightest bit flippant is likely to attract such stupid accusations. But, then, of course everything is....
   Was it racist to refer to derogatorily Ronald Reagan (or anybody else) as a "cowboy"? It was not. Clinton came from the South...was it racist or any such thing to call him "Bubba"? Of course not. 
   McEnany is right to note that the media and other progressives have simply declared every name for the virus that they don't like to be racist--as they do in every other case. It's nothing but an arbitrary, completely fabricated, entirely groundless assertion pulled out of thin air. It's equal parts (a) the left's insane tick of spewing accusations of racism every which way and (b) yet another anti-Trump ploy. Even calling it "the China virus"--which is equivalent to simply asserting that it's from China--was declared TEH RAZIZT!!!!
   This is a minor bit of insanity in the cosmic scheme of things. But, in a way, that's the problem Insanities big and small permeate the contemporary left. They aim not only to re-engineer society at the largest scale, they want to reach down into every human interaction, no matter how trivial, in order to force us to accord with their desires, no matter how loony and poorly-supported. Since their main tool is the accusation of racism (and other alleged -isms and -phobias), and they've managed to shift the burden of proof, anything that you might say that has anything to do with any of their myriad obsessions, and for which you can't immediately produce an ironclad defense, is subject to their whimsical, tyrannical control.
   In a way, I almost find these small madnesses and acts of tyranny to be more telling.


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