Friday, June 21, 2019

Robert W. Merry: "Lies They Told Us: A Long History Of Being Manipulated Into War"

Also: The 2001 AUMF is killing us.
Isn't there some way to limit or revoke that thing? If we want to stay in Afghanistan, can't Congress approve (pass?) another one?
Blue-team insanity has been so prevalent of late that I almost forgot about the kind of crazy at which the red team excels. And one kind is: dragging us to war. The blue team is often useless for opposing it--but at least they don't normally initiate it. Not of late, anyway.
Of course I'm no expert and haven't been watching the Iran case carefully. Maybe we do have all the reason we need to launch some limited attack against them. But I'm not seeing it. The usual suspects in the GOP seem to be chomping at the bit for war, yet again. I'm certainly not against military action in principle. But it ought to be an approximately last resort.
After the catastrophic madness of Iraq you'd think these people would have learned their lesson.


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