Saturday, November 17, 2018

N.C. State To Offer Ph.D. In "Social Justice Education"

There are already degrees that are, in effect, degrees in left-wing political activism at almost every university--women's studies, x studies for all the notorious values of 'x', etc... We've got a program called "justice studies" which we all thought was odd years ago when it started up...but we thought it was going to be about law, incarceration, criminal justice...that sort of thing...  Now it seems to just be straight up "social justice" / left-wing politics.
   There's virtually no effort to conceal it anymore--universities are openly making the promotion of left-wing politics one of their major goals. Note that it's not even merely a degree in "social justice"...but in social justice education--i.e. the propagation of the mind-virus, the infliction of it onto impressionable young minds... Not. Even. Trying. To. Hide. It.
   And, hey, that "Ph.D." in "social justice education" is just as much a Ph.D. as a Ph.D. in math or astrophysics! Think about that for a minute.


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