Wednesday, October 24, 2018


So screw George Yancy, then, I guess.
But I, for example, am not. And I hope and trust that you aren't either, oh odd reader.
The editorial is almost too dumb to take seriously. But it's basically par for the course on the left.
I dunno. Maybe his heart's in the right place or something. But...
Wait...I almost said: I expect better of philosophers... But... That would be stupid. When philosophers on the left write this sort of thing, it's generally no better than when the journalistic left or the activist left writes it. Sneakier maybe...but usually not better.
I least he fesses up with some specifics--e.g. that he insisted that his wife take his last name. Which is good because it's a specific criterion, not just a vague gesture at some form of original sin.
See, I didn't do that--didn't insist that JQ take my last name. Not that she would do anything I insisted on anyway lol... If I'd have insisted, she'd have told me to go to hell, because I wouldn't have been the person she thought I was. And if she didn't tell me to go to hell, I might very well have dumped her because she wouldn't have been the person I thought she was...
I never even considered asking because it's not important to me. In fact, I think it's kinda messed up. Dropping your last name? WTF?
She asked me once, basically as a kind of purely theoretical afterthought, whether it was something I cared about. That was it. (Actually, I do kind of care about it in that I weakly believe that people shouldn't do it...other than that: I don't care.)
Anyway: I do agree that you ought to fess up if you're a sexist. Just dump the bullshit assumption that we're all sexist. Because, of course, the idea floating in the background is: all men are sexist...but the good ones like GY admit it...whereas the bad ones like me don't. So: fuck that, of course. That's just more progressive bullshit. It's a way to get some cred by tearfully confessing your sin, while also showing that you're better than the benighted, reviled enemies to your right.
Also, incidentally: presumably all women are sexist, too? Because if you think women are different than men in this respect...uh...well...I hope you know what that is...


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