Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Julia Serano, "Debunking 'Trans Women Are Not Women' Arguments"

Wow this is terrible.
   I mean really, really, really bad. Though I will say that I think it inadvertently helped me understand an aspect of this ridiculous theory: the not-well-articulated idea seems to be that experiencing sexism is what makes someone a woman. I mean...that's obviously absurd. But I think that's part of what these people are thinking. That squares with my view that one way to understand these kinds of theories is as the latest development in, roughly, the disagreement about the priority of nature over culture (or vice-versa). They basically want to minimize the role of nature and maximize that of culture. So they are unhappy that being a woman is a biological matter, and are trying to find a way to replace that conception with a social conception. So much the better if it's an oppressiony one.


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