Friday, March 02, 2018

20 Years Later, Lewinsky Decides Her Affair With Clinton Was Non-Consensual

Because any woman can declare at any time than any act of sex she ever engaged in (with a man, anyway) was rape. No matter what.
   Honestly, is this better than what we had before? And is the left simply incapable of not taking everything to surreal extremes? In terms of actual effects on people's lives, I'm sure that rape crisis hysteria and #MeToo madness isn't worse than its opposite. But in terms of sheer insanity, it's quickly outstripped the opposite error. 
   I think this is a pretty common pattern: there's some social problem that genuinely needs to be fixed...but, whatever else you can say about it, it doesn't really come with a theory. It's just bad behavior. The left takes steps to fix the problem...but, as Rorty points out, it just can't resist the urge to "theorize" it. And its theories are always insane. In terms of flat-out, unconceptualized misery, there can't be much doubt that sexual assault and harassment are worse than feminist #MeToo hysteria. But in terms of sheer deranged looniness, it seems to me there's no comparison. And don't forget: there is no reasonable person standard that regulates things like "hostile environment" "sexual harassment": whatever a woman feels to be harassment is harassment. 
   And, as always: I realize that some feminists reject the radical position. But what I really object to is the fact that the sane sectors of feminism basically refuse to criticize their crazies. (Cathy Young et al. don't count--they're considered heretics.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In terms of flat-out, unconceptualized misery, there can't be much doubt that sexual assault and harassment are worse than feminist #MeToo hysteria. But in terms of sheer deranged looniness, it seems to me there's no comparison."

I'm not sure this is the right way to think about it. For one the tradeoff is really the reduction in sexual assault as a result of #MeToo, which could be significant, although I somewhat doubt it because sexual assault has already gone down significantly prior to it just by virtue of us no longer being in the genuinely terrible '60s-(early) '90s.

Also, consider the risks created by the looniness. Right now, and Lewinsky is an example, any woman wanting attention or fame can reframe a bad sexual experience as rape and be generally applauded. Being sexually harassed sucks, but being falsely accused of rape very well could be worse than a lot of the harassment cases brought up (certainly the Lewinski case which was plainly consensual).

I was a few degrees of separation from a false rape accusation when I was in college, and the guy who took that had his life completely destroyed. Not only that, but his friends were traumatized by it as well, because they had to testify in the kangaroo court and witnessed the genuine malevolence of the campus feminists who transformed bad feelings in a somewhat rocky breakup into thinking of their relationship as months of torture and rape. It wasn't pretty.

There are better ways to deal with this stuff, but modern feminism simply doesn't have the intellectual resources to propose them. For instance, just supporting a more conservative attitude of sex (chivalry, restraint, stuff like that) is probably the stable solution here, women clearly don't want to be constantly sexually available, but men also need to have clear rules by which to approach women, but feminism has spent so much effort denigrating it that we now have to deal with this retarded oppression olympics.

11:50 AM  

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