Thursday, July 06, 2017

Lots of Unpublished Comments

I just found a giant stash of unpublished comments.
Sorry--my bad....or Blogger's really.
Blogger really sucks, incidentally, and I keep meaning to migrate somewhere else...but that'd take work...
Anyway, I've been relying on email notifications to publish comments. Turns out that there are a lot of comments that I'm not getting notifications on. So I should have been using the comment-publication area in Blogger. So anyway, sorry.
   Also, finally, deleting comments is easy, so I'll probably switch over to auto-publication and delete the spam myself, instead of doing what I've always done before, which, as you know, has been to require my approval for publication. I just really hate those damn spam comments, and it used to be impossible to delete them once they were published--then it was just a pain. But now it's easy.


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