Friday, March 02, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Deserves a Punch in the Face
Also, He May Be the Stupidest Human on Earth

So, he called someone a "slut" for having testified about contraception.

A couple of points:

1. Limbaugh is a piece of shit and a coward. He'd never say this sort of thing to someone's face.

2. He deserves a punch in the mouth, and that's exactly what he'd get in a civilized society. Conservatives often like to whine and pule about our degenerate society, and wax poetic about the virtues of the halcyon, fictional 50's...but if those days were anything at all like conservatives like to represent them, a comment like Limbaugh's would be met with a punch in the head. And--some things don't change--he still deserves it, even if, sadly, he's unlikely to get it. O tempora! O mores....

3. But don't miss the fact that Limbaugh's "logic" is in fine form in this case. The following is largely representative of the kind of--and here I use the term loosely--"thinking" that one gets non-stop from that piece of shit:
  "What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic] who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex -- what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex."
 Right. So noting that your insurance should cover contraception means that you are having a lot of sex, and, of course, sex is evil. And by some wild leap it is concluded that this is...what? Sex with lots of different people? And...outside of the holy bounds of matrimony, of course. And all of this is then, abracadabra, equivalent to prostitution, because...though you are paying for the's like being paid for sex.

That free-associative nonsense is what Limbaugh gets paid to do; it's perfectly representative of the kind of bullshit he spews out for hours a day. State a fact, free associate, free associate, lunge for a laughably implausible conclusion, add some irrelevant shit, free associate, then a miracle happens, liberals suck!

Dude has the logical acumen of a somewhat below-average stoat.

Maybe this would be the place to just mention that Limbaugh was, as you might recall, found with a huge stash of Viagra on his way back from the Dominican Republic with a bunch of guys. One might also mention that the DR is apparently a big destination for "sex tourism." We don't need some free associative fantasy here to ridicule Rush. The facts, in this case, speak for themselves.


Blogger Random Michelle K said...

That was the comment that put me over the edge earlier this week, and made me wish I believed in a vengeful God because I'd really like Her to come and SMITE Limbaugh and Santorum etc.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Oh damn, that's the most beautiful idea I've heard in quite awhile.

I'd like to see St. Peter meets that mofo Limbaugh at the Pearly Gates and tell him "God wants to see you real quick before you go downstairs. She'll be along in a second. Whew, I haven't seen her this pissed in awhile."

As JQ would say, Limbaugh is now at the top of my punch list.

6:38 PM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

This is why reasonable people cannot be fooled by the siren song of civility. Instead, we need to fuck up this ugly fuck, and we may need to get down in the muck with the pigs to do it. He might like it - until we butcher him where it hurts, his wallet.

When we have re-established a social norm that values truth over bullshit, we can return to civil discourse. Until then, civility is a Trojan horse intended to silence the speaking of truth - just as etiquette is a tool of the ruling class in every British class drama ever made.

Seriously, do the downstairs servants ever have the privilege of being written about as if they could die of a broken heart? Downton Abbey? Give me a break. The King's Speech? Interesting character, but how many millions of working and middle class people would have been better than the deleterious heredity of senescent monarchy! Why did it matter what Bertie overcame? A fundamentally corrupt and foolish institution... Liz II should be the last British monarch.

This is where I'm still a Scot, I guess, but the English class system really frosts me, and I can't help viewing the Teapublicans as vassals for a new aristocracy of nouveau riche.

At least the English aristocracy honored noblesse oblige, if all too often in the breach, rather than the observance.

6:21 PM  

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