Sunday, September 06, 2009

Michael Chabon, Summerland

I think I've enjoyed everything I've ever read by this guy...and Wonderboys is one of my favorite books ever (the movie's even good, IMHO).

Insert the usual disclaimers about me not knowing anything about literature...but I enjoyed this book. JQ picked it up at the library during one of her massive book runs. I hadn't heard anything about it, but I liked it. I do think that it must be basically something of a kid's book...or aimed at teenagers or whatever. "Young adult" may be the preferred locution. You've got to be willing to suspend disbelief...all the way down to a scifi/fantasy level, and you've probably got to be enough of a baseball mystic to enjoy a book about baseball saving the world... But if that's where you are, you'll probably enjoy it too.


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