Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Adventures In Stupidity:
Arthur Herman, "What's Behind Barack's Brit Snit?"
And: Double Standard Alert

Behold, one of the stupidest things ever written. [via Sullivan]

Now, I know the New York Post is not an actual newspaper, so one might make the case that this doesn't count. But it's just so astonishingly f***ing stupid that I couldn't resist.

Short version of this piece of crap: Obama didn't meet with Brown in the Rose Garden, and gave him some poorly-thought-out gifts. This, plus the fact that Obama had a bust of Churchill moved from the White House to the British Embassy shows that Obama is abandoning the entire Anglo-American view of government. He wants to end the special relationship between the U.S. and Great Britain, probably because, like Jeremiah Wright, he thinks the Brits and Americans are primarily evil colonialists and racists.

See, because eviscerating the fourth amendment shows that you love liberty, while giving the wrong present shows that you are abandoning the very idea of liberal government.

Maybe these guys should stick with stuff like "Headless Body in Topless Bar"...


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