Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still More Corruption in the Bush Administration: Corrupt Hiring at DoJ


Which once again raises the question: are these people even capable of being honest? This stuff barely makes the front page anymore. It's hardly even possible to be outraged. My outrage module is just about worn out--and I've got a pretty high-capacity outrage module.

It's the Reagan administration strategy: be so damn corrupt that you just wear most people out--and make the people who are still outraged by the outrages look almost nutty, since they always have to be going on about some damn thing or other.

But, of course, to point any of this out is to be unpatriotic. True patriots apparently look the other way when their country's sacred principles are being violated right and left.


Blogger lovable liberal said...

Washington and economic power are so inbred by now that there are no longer effective checks and balances. But the vast run of people don't care much about Constitutional niceties as long as they get to watch Survivor - and don't get voted off their gated community islands.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Jim Bales said...

WS asks:
are these people even capable of being honest?

He also notes the Republican credo:
True patriots apparently look the other way when their country's sacred principles are being violated right and left.

Which leads me to ask all who might read this:
Have you contacted your Senator, Sen. Reid, and Sen. Obama? If not, do so, and urge them:

To vote against the bill.

To support and take part in a filibuster to stop the bill, if need be.

To amend the bill to strip the egregious provisions (or at least as many as they can),

To invoke every possible parliamentary maneuver to force the bill through additional deliberation (i.e., to stall), and/or

To amend the bill to the point we would expect Mr. Bush to veto it.

These actions are small, but, in aggregate, there is a chance that they can make a difference.


11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What bill are you talking about, Jim?

1:50 PM  
Blogger Jim Bales said...

Oops -- the problems of cut-and-paste :-/

The FISA bill, currently delayed until July, it appears.

My apologies!

4:12 PM  

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