Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Goodling: Nogoodnick

Now Ms. Goodling is under investigation again, this time for firing someone for being a lesbian. Man. What a piece of work. (Note: all persons are legally guilty until proven innocent.)


Blogger Tom Van Dyke said...

Hehe. Compliments for your self-deprecation in the last sentence, WS.

No one seems to dispute that Hagen was extremely capable. The Department's job evaluation reflected that her performance had been "outstanding." And yet she was fired. Sound familiar?

No, it doesn't sound familiar in this context. Homoeroticists being fired by the current administration for that reason alone is not a pattern.

This from TPMMuckraker, which even though it's a spawn of the left, I have found on the whole to be a fact-based, and not derangement-based, blog. A worthy one, and good for the country.

The Justice Department's inspector general is looking into whether Hagen was dismissed after a rumor reached Goodling that Hagen is lesbian.

As one Republican source put it, "To some people, that's even worse than being a Democrat."

That might be true of Monica Goodling as "some people," and so she might be guilty as charged.

But that would be personal animus, not administration policy.

1:02 AM  
Blogger lovable liberal said...

No smoking memos yet, that's true, unlike the explicit policy of justifying torture but oh so delicately redefining it for the sensibilities of people too captive to recall what words actually mean.

But of course, at the least, Goodling's presence, power, and nudge-nudge-wink-wink lack of supervision are a clear result of Bushism - filling jobs based on political and religious reliability, the connection straight to the White House via the always smarmy and utterly compliant Alberto Gonzales, and the stench everywhere of Karl Rove turning the Justice Department into his and Duhbya's personal political hit squad.

And, of course, you can't deny that the Republican Party is the standard bearer of anti-gay politics in the U.S.

Then, there's the fact that being gay was incompatible with national security even - if you happened to be an Arabic-speaking American translator when those were few and far between. Not yet a pattern, but starting to be one...

And the default position of blaming the Bushists has proven correct so many times in the past 7 years.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Winston Smith said...

Yeah...I always worry that I'm just being partisan...but then I think about the absolutely clear-cut, no doubt about it issues that have been big in my lifetime...minority rights, women's rights, gay rights...and the GOP has come out on the wrong side every single time

9:06 PM  

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